Presto Console

Presto comes with a built-in dashboard where you can check the cluster’s information such as running SQL queries, query details, and resource group information. Presto Console comprises a series of HTML pages and JavaScript files which invokes the Presto APIs served by the coordinator. The UI components are written in React JS and built by webpack. Here are the guidances for Presto Console development.


The Presto Console code is in the presto-ui/src directory in the root of the Presto source tree. This directory is referred to as Presto Console root in this document and contains:

  • HTML files: the static pages for the Presto Console.

  • src/static folder: contains static assets such as the Presto favicon, logo, and Presto CSS file.

  • src/static/dev directory: contains Query Viewer page and its JS file.

  • src/static/vendor directory: contains third-party JS/CSS libraries that are used by UI components.

  • src/ directory: contains the UI components and webpack config file.


  • yarn: A package manager for the Node.js project. Yarn is used to manage the packages used by the UI components and the scripts to compile and generate the JavaScript files.

UI components

All of the UI components are in the src folder under the Presto Console root directory. These components are written in JSX using React JS and named with the .jsx file extension.

Please follow these rules for composing UI components:

  • Define components as JavaScript functions instead of classes: Some old components are written in classes and must be refactored into functions. For new components, please use function components. Check Defining a component for detailed information.

  • Bootstrap: the current code base is using Bootstrap v3.3.5. You can find the CSS and components it provides in the Bootstrap Getting Started.

  • Use flow as the static type checker: Add //@flow at the beginning of the .jsx file to enable the type checker and use yarn run flow to run the flow checker.

Web Dev Server

To speed up the UI development, use the web dev server that webpack provides to verify new UI components or updates that you are working on.

  • First, you need a Presto server that serves all the API calls needed by the Presto Console. For example, you can run the Presto coordinator + worker locally.

  • Run yarn serve to spin up the web dev server on the src directory. By default, it proxies the API calls to localhost:8080. If your Presto server is listening on a different IP address or port, you can specify the IP address and port number by adding --env=apiHost=<IP address> and --env=apiPort=<port number> arguments to the yarn command. Pay attention to the output messages and look for messages like [webpack-dev-server] Loopback: http://localhost:8081/. It tells you where to access the web dev server.

The web dev server watches the entries listed in webpack.config.js, compiles, and serves the HTML pages in the Presto Console root directory.

Add a New Page

To add a new page:

  1. Add a new HTML page to the Presto Console root directory. Inside the HTML page, add the necessary <link> tags to include the needed CSS and JavaScript libraries from the vendor directory or external public CDN URIs. Inside the <body> element, add an <div> element with the id attribute as the placeholder for the UI component you are going to create followed by a <script> tag to point to the new JavaScript file that would be generated by the webpack at the dist directory. Check query.html as an example.

  2. Add a new .jsx file under the src directory and a corresponding entry in the webpack.config.js. This .jsx file is compiled into a .js file and stored under the dist directory. It is used by the HTML file you created in the previous step and serves as the root component for the new UI components. Check src/query.jsx as an example.

  3. Add new components and store them in the src/components directory. Check src/components/QueryDetail.jsx as an example.

  4. Use the web dev server to test and verify the new page and components.

  5. Use the yarn run flow command to run the static type checker.

  6. Use the yarn install command to generate the JavaScript files to the dist directory.