Presto Session Properties

This section describes session properties that may be used to tune Presto or alter its behavior when required.

The following is not a complete list of all session properties available in Presto, and does not include any connector-specific catalog properties.

For information on catalog properties, see the connector documentation.

For information on configuration properties, see Presto Configuration Properties.

General Properties


  • Type: string


  • Default value: AUTOMATIC

The type of distributed join to use. When set to PARTITIONED, presto will use hash distributed joins. When set to BROADCAST, it will broadcast the right table to all nodes in the cluster that have data from the left table. Partitioned joins require redistributing both tables using a hash of the join key. This can be slower (sometimes substantially) than broadcast joins, but allows much larger joins. In particular broadcast joins will be faster if the right table is much smaller than the left. However, broadcast joins require that the tables on the right side of the join after filtering fit in memory on each node, whereas distributed joins only need to fit in distributed memory across all nodes. When set to AUTOMATIC, Presto will make a cost based decision as to which distribution type is optimal. It will also consider switching the left and right inputs to the join. In AUTOMATIC mode, Presto will default to hash distributed joins if no cost could be computed, such as if the tables do not have statistics.

The corresponding configuration property is join-distribution-type.


  • Type: boolean

  • Default value: true

This property enables redistribution of data before writing. This can eliminate the performance impact of data skew when writing by hashing it across nodes in the cluster. It can be disabled when it is known that the output data set is not skewed in order to avoid the overhead of hashing and redistributing all the data across the network.

The corresponding configuration property is redistribute-writes.


  • Type: integer

  • Default value: 1

Default number of local parallel table writer threads per worker. It is required to be a power of two for a Java query engine.

The corresponding configuration property is task.writer-count.


  • Type: integer

  • Default value: task_writer_count

Number of local parallel table writer threads per worker for partitioned writes. If not set, the number set by task_writer_count will be used. It is required to be a power of two for a Java query engine.

Spilling Properties


  • Type: boolean

  • Default value: false

Try spilling memory to disk to avoid exceeding memory limits for the query.

Spilling works by offloading memory to disk. This process can allow a query with a large memory footprint to pass at the cost of slower execution times. Currently, spilling is supported only for aggregations and joins (inner and outer), so this property will not reduce memory usage required for window functions, sorting and other join types.

Be aware that this is an experimental feature and should be used with care.

The corresponding configuration property is experimental.spill-enabled.


  • Type: boolean

  • Default value: true

When spill_enabled is true, this determines whether Presto will try spilling memory to disk for joins to avoid exceeding memory limits for the query.

The corresponding configuration property is experimental.join-spill-enabled.


  • Type: boolean

  • Default value: true

When spill_enabled is true, this determines whether Presto will try spilling memory to disk for aggregations to avoid exceeding memory limits for the query.

The corresponding configuration property is experimental.aggregation-spill-enabled.


  • Type: boolean

  • Default value: true

When aggregation_spill_enabled is true, this determines whether Presto will try spilling memory to disk for distinct aggregations to avoid exceeding memory limits for the query.

The corresponding configuration property is experimental.distinct-aggregation-spill-enabled.


  • Type: boolean

  • Default value: true

When aggregation_spill_enabled is true, this determines whether Presto will try spilling memory to disk for order by aggregations to avoid exceeding memory limits for the query.

The corresponding configuration property is experimental.order-by-aggregation-spill-enabled.


  • Type: boolean

  • Default value: true

When spill_enabled is true, this determines whether Presto will try spilling memory to disk for window functions to avoid exceeding memory limits for the query.

The corresponding configuration property is experimental.window-spill-enabled.


  • Type: boolean

  • Default value: true

When spill_enabled is true, this determines whether Presto will try spilling memory to disk for order by to avoid exceeding memory limits for the query.

The corresponding configuration property is experimental.order-by-spill-enabled.


  • Type: data size

  • Default value: 4 MB

Limit for memory used for unspilling a single aggregation operator instance.

The corresponding configuration property is experimental.aggregation-operator-unspill-memory-limit.

Task Properties


  • Type: integer

  • Restrictions: must be a power of two

  • Default value: 16

Default local concurrency for parallel operators such as joins and aggregations. This value should be adjusted up or down based on the query concurrency and worker resource utilization. Lower values are better for clusters that run many queries concurrently because the cluster will already be utilized by all the running queries, so adding more concurrency will result in slow downs due to context switching and other overhead. Higher values are better for clusters that only run one or a few queries at a time.

The corresponding configuration property is task.concurrency.


  • Type: integer

  • Restrictions: must be a power of two

  • Default value: 1

The number of concurrent writer threads per worker per query. Increasing this value may increase write speed, especially when a query is not I/O bound and can take advantage of additional CPU for parallel writes (some connectors can be bottlenecked on CPU when writing due to compression or other factors). Setting this too high may cause the cluster to become overloaded due to excessive resource utilization.

The corresponding configuration property is task.writer-count.

Optimizer Properties


  • Type: boolean

  • Default value: false

Enables optimization for aggregations on dictionaries.

The corresponding configuration property is optimizer.dictionary-aggregation.


  • Type: boolean

  • Default value: true

Compute hash codes for distribution, joins, and aggregations early during execution, allowing result to be shared between operations later in the query. This can reduce CPU usage by avoiding computing the same hash multiple times, but at the cost of additional network transfer for the hashes. In most cases it will decrease overall query processing time.

It is often helpful to disable this property when using EXPLAIN in order to make the query plan easier to read.

The corresponding configuration property is optimizer.optimize-hash-generation.


  • Type: boolean

  • Default value: true

When an aggregation is above an outer join and all columns from the outer side of the join are in the grouping clause, the aggregation is pushed below the outer join. This optimization is particularly useful for correlated scalar subqueries, which get rewritten to an aggregation over an outer join. For example:

SELECT * FROM item i
    WHERE i.i_current_price > (
        SELECT AVG(j.i_current_price) FROM item j
            WHERE i.i_category = j.i_category);

Enabling this optimization can substantially speed up queries by reducing the amount of data that needs to be processed by the join. However, it may slow down some queries that have very selective joins.

The corresponding configuration property is optimizer.push-aggregation-through-join.


  • Type: boolean

  • Default value: true

Parallelize writes when using UNION ALL in queries that write data. This improves the speed of writing output tables in UNION ALL queries because these writes do not require additional synchronization when collecting results. Enabling this optimization can improve UNION ALL speed when write speed is not yet saturated. However, it may slow down queries in an already heavily loaded system.

The corresponding configuration property is optimizer.push-table-write-through-union.


  • Type: string


  • Default value: AUTOMATIC

The join reordering strategy to use. NONE maintains the order the tables are listed in the query. ELIMINATE_CROSS_JOINS reorders joins to eliminate cross joins where possible and otherwise maintains the original query order. When reordering joins it also strives to maintain the original table order as much as possible. AUTOMATIC enumerates possible orders and uses statistics-based cost estimation to determine the least cost order. If stats are not available or if for any reason a cost could not be computed, the ELIMINATE_CROSS_JOINS strategy is used.

The corresponding configuration property is optimizer.join-reordering-strategy.


  • Type: boolean

  • Default value: false

Enable broadcasting based on the confidence of the statistics that are being used, by broadcasting the side of a joinNode which has the highest (HIGH or FACT) confidence statistics. If both sides have the same confidence statistics, then the original behavior will be followed.

The corresponding configuration property is optimizer.confidence-based-broadcast.


  • Type: boolean

  • Default value: false

Enable treating LOW confidence, zero estimations as UNKNOWN during joins.

The corresponding configuration property is optimizer.treat-low-confidence-zero-estimation-as-unknown.


  • Type: boolean

  • Default value: false

Enable retry for failed queries who can potentially be helped by HBO.

The corresponding configuration property is optimizer.retry-query-with-history-based-optimization.