IP Functions

ip_prefix(ip_address, prefix_bits) -> ipprefix()

Returns the IP prefix of a given ip_address with subnet size of prefix_bits. ip_address can be either of type VARCHAR or type IPADDRESS.

SELECT ip_prefix(CAST('' AS IPADDRESS), 9); -- {}
SELECT ip_prefix('2001:0db8:85a3:0001:0001:8a2e:0370:7334', 48); -- {2001:db8:85a3::/48}
ip_subnet_min(ip_prefix) -> ip_address()

Returns the smallest IP address of type IPADDRESS in the subnet specified by ip_prefix.

SELECT ip_subnet_min(IPPREFIX ''); -- {}
SELECT ip_subnet_min(IPPREFIX '2001:0db8:85a3:0001:0001:8a2e:0370:7334/48'); -- {2001:db8:85a3::}
ip_subnet_max(ip_prefix) -> ip_address()

Returns the largest IP address of type IPADDRESS in the subnet specified by ip_prefix.

SELECT ip_subnet_max(IPPREFIX ''); -- {}
SELECT ip_subnet_max(IPPREFIX '2001:0db8:85a3:0001:0001:8a2e:0370:7334/48'); -- {2001:db8:85a3:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff}
ip_subnet_range(ip_prefix) -> array(ip_address)

Return an array of 2 IP addresses. The array contains the smallest and the largest IP address in the subnet specified by ip_prefix.

SELECT ip_subnet_range(IPPREFIX ''); -- [{}, {}]
SELECT ip_subnet_range(IPPREFIX '64:ff9b::52f4/120'); -- [{64:ff9b::5200}, {64:ff9b::52ff}]
is_subnet_of(ip_prefix, ip_address) -> boolean()

Returns true if the ip_address is in the subnet of ip_prefix.

SELECT is_subnet_of(IPPREFIX '', IPADDRESS ''); -- true
SELECT is_subnet_of(IPPREFIX '64:fa9b::17/64', IPADDRESS '64:ffff::17'); -- false
is_subnet_of(ip_prefix1, ip_prefix2) -> boolean()

Returns true if ip_prefix2 is a subnet of ip_prefix1.

SELECT is_subnet_of(IPPREFIX '', IPPREFIX ''); -- true
SELECT is_subnet_of(IPPREFIX '64:ff9b::17/64', IPPREFIX '64:ffff::17/64'); -- false
SELECT is_subnet_of(IPPREFIX '', IPPREFIX ''); -- true